Stragure has, over the years, moved higher up the service delivery value chain – from merely delivering software as per requirements to co-creating solutions that positively impact our customers’ business. We understand that when looking for an outsourcing partner for software development, you are not just looking to reduce cost of development, but to solve a business challenge that reduce your cost of operations, make your business more nimble, or make your company more profitable. We understand that your outsourcing strategy, in order to be successful, must give you results – positive and measurable business impact.

The Stragure Software Development Methodology is therefore a unique mix of the time and material (T&M) model and the Business Impact metrics. At every stage of our iterative agile software development framework, our focus is on co-creating tangible solutions that solve real-life business challenges effectively. The result is a solution that works the way it is intended to and, more importantly, allows you to achieve your over-arching goal of cost savings and greater profitability and is therefore, an outcome based services offering from Stragure.

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